Our Desire is to be in the Father's Heart,
to know the Father's Heart and express the Father's Heart to you!
This is the place where I get a chance to share with you little bit' about me. "My Testimony" is a good place to start because it gives you a view into my life before and after I met (really met) Jesus. It gives you a brief history of how ended up apprehended by Jesus (being born-again), or what I refer to as "salvation having come unto me".
I also have a place I call "It is Written..." that is crucial and foundational to any one's walk with Christ. This site focuses on the Witness of our salvation, receiving the Spirit, and a revealing walk through Acts in regard to our salvation.
"Principles of the Doctrine of Christ" is exactly as the title depicts. This area is a presentation of the foundation principles of Christ that are built upon the Rock who is Jesus Christ.
"What I've Been Hearing Lately" is the latest that I have received of the Lord and ministered in our fellowship. The latest conversations I've had with Jesus had to do with these new writings. I hope and pray they minister to you grace and truth as they have to me.
"The Thing About Holidays..." is for those that want to find out the origins of holidays. There is some good info there for those wanting to know what they are partaking in when they celebrate holidays. The site is here to reveal scriptural truths about holidays and present testimonies of conviction and repentance from those who have decided to walk differently than the world. After considering all this, I recomend you take it to the Lord in prayer and hear from Him.